XX. Annual Congress of the IBSSA and 5th International “Partnership for Security” Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA on the 4th February 2017 in Sarasota, Florida, USA
28th – 29th January (Saturday – Sunday)
Proposed arrival of the delegates to Sarasota, Florida, USA, who wish to attend the side events, too.
HQ hotel: HOLIDAY INN Sarasota
Address: 8005 15th St. E., Sarasota, FL 34243
Website: www.sarasotabradentonhotel.com
(Information material about the hotel can be found attached as well…)
We kindly ask all participants to make the room reservations directly at the HQ hotel with reference to "IBSSA" for the special group rate. For online booking please click on the following link:
30th January – 1st - 2nd February (Monday – Wednesday - Thursday)
IBSSA – Security and Martial Arts seminars at the International Martial Arts Academy (IMAA) and outdoors in Sarasota
Instructors and their styles (focusing on the subject of IBSSA Martial Arts and Situational Trainings) will be introduced as follows:
Dr. Miklós Varga (Supervisor, VIP Protection)
Dr. Rony Kluger, Israel (Karate, Krav Maga, Full Possibilities and Scope)
Det. Mike Csoke, Canada (Karate, spontaneous knife defense, control / escort techniques, concepts of force, or threat-cue recognition)
O’Sensei Steven Roensch (Combat Jiu-Jitsu / Life Support Training)
Chief-Instructor Alex Popeskou (Systema, Situational Awareness, Weapon Disarm)
Kioshi Donna Judge (Karate, Effective Awareness and Recognition)
Captain Larry Leinhauser (Tactical Defense Techniques)
Sensei János Laub (Karate, Krav Maga, Situational Training)
Each day there will be 2 x 3 hours sessions. The morning session takes place between 09.00 – 12.00, and the afternoon session is between 14.00 – 17.00.
31st January (Thuesday)
All day (09.00−12.00 and 14.00−17.00) Shooting in Sarasota FL location (TBA) with Instructor Mike Magowan
* Individual sessions (morning and afternoon separately) cost $80 / person / session.
** All of the week's sessions will cost only $60 / person / session if a participant decides to take all sessions during the week. (4 days - daily 2 sessions) So that is totally: 8 x $60 = $480 / person / week + $50 IBSSA Certificates.
*** Shooting day will have some extra expenses gun rental is $35/person, cost of ammo is appr. $15/box (50 pcs)
**** The suggested number of participants for each session of training is at least 15 people!
During the seminars LUNCH will NOT be provided for the participants.
Everyone will be responsible for his or her own lunch between the morning and afternoon sessions. Of course, we will be helping participants to refer and in some cases even to deliver their desired lunches to the training places, but financially, they need to support their own lunches. The time, when training is in / at the HQ Hotel, the hotel will also provide a chance to purchase lunch there, and eat it at their dinner location.
3rd February (Friday)
09.00 – 12.00 Exams and Demonstrations
Instructor Qualification of IBSSA – by the EQ Department
Contact the Chairman of EQ Dept., Dr. Rony Kluger (Kluger.ron@gmail.com)
Qualification fee for IBSSA Members: 200.- EUR / person
Testing participants of this week’s materials for participation and successful completion.
Any possible demonstration can be presented at this time.
Location will be at the Ballroom of Holiday Inn (HQ) Hotel.
We kindly ask all our members, and delegates, who wish to attend any of the seminars to confirm their participation until 15th January 2017 by sending an e-mail to the IBSSA HQ, to Ms. Erika Macsári (secretary@ibssa.org), and also to Mr. Tamás Török – Chief of the American Organising Committee (ttinfl@yahoo.com), stating clearly the requested session(s), and by paying 50% of the seminar fees to any of the following bank accounts:
“USD” bank accounts:
4th February (Saturday)
The entire Saturday program will be organised at HOLIDAY INN Sarasota (HQ) Hotel.
08.00 – 09.30 Registration for the Participants
10.00 – 11.30 Official Opening of the XX. IBSSA Congress (Annual Meeting)
- Welcome Speech by Tamás Török – Chief of the Organising Committee
- Opening Speech by Karl DelaGuerra - Country Representative for the USA
- Report by the President of IBSSA
- Greetings by the representatives of IBSSA
- Brief report on the current situation of the security field
- Introduction of New Members
- Signing of Cooperation agreements
- Plans for the year 2017 and future events worldwide
- Debate
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
12.00 – 14.00 Official Opening of the 5th “Partnership for Security” International Joint Conference of IBSSA, IPA (International Police Association), and IAPA (International Auxiliary Police Association)
- Welcome Speech by Tamás Török – Chief of the Organising Committee
- Keynote speaker: President of IBSSA
- Speech by the President of IAPA
- Reports on the current situation in Europe and Worldwide
- Information about the new Anti-Human Trafficking Bureau by Karl DelaGuerra
- Introduction of new partner organisations
- Speeches by IPA, IAPA, Private Detectives, FEMERAID, and other organisations
- Debate
14.00 – 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 – 17.00 AWARD CEREMONY
Medal of Merit, recognitions, appointments, and other awards:
Order of Security decorations
IBSSA – Medal of Merit, and other awards
KMFAP, Sovereign Order of Cyprus decorations
Knightly Order of St. George, the Martyr decorations
IBA (International Budo Academy), IAPA, IPA and other decorations
17.00 Closing the Conference
19.00 Gala dinner – SAYONARA PARTY
Congress and Conference Registration fee with Gala dinner: 100.- USD / person
(This fee covers participation at the Congress, the Conference and the Award Ceremony, as well as the conference materials, and also the official Lunch and Gala Dinner.)
Deadline for sending Confirmation of participation at the IBSSA Congress and Conference to the IBSSA Headquarters is: 15th January 2017
Contact Ms. Erika Macsári at: secretary@ibssa.org
5th February (Sunday)
Sarasota, Florida
A "day-off” to enjoy the beautiful Sarasota (shopping, dinning, visiting places, including the #1 Beach - Siesta Key in the US, covered entirely with snow-white sand). Late afternoon, driving to Bienville Plantation (about 3.5 hours drive, which will be a newly announced and dedicated IBSSA-USA training facility), to a more than 11,000 acres of “paradise” (with wooden bungalows, full service kitchen and bar, fire-pit, lakes, forests, creeks, wild life) for a two days shooting experience.
Miami, Florida
Travelling to Miami Beach (400 km, appr. 4 hours driving by car)
Proposed hotels in Miami Beach:
6th - 10th February (Monday - Friday)
Sarasota, Florida
4 days of Special IBSSA Training
6th – 7th February (Monday – Tuesday) - Location will be at Bienville Plantation, Florida
The first two days (2 nights/2 days) will only be about Shooting with Instructor Mike Magowan (representative of Veritas Training Academy) Monday: handgun, shotgun. Thuesday: carbine,confidence session
* Classes for all two days will cost only $120 / person.
** Accommodation for 2 nights – Sunday and Monday nights (included 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 1 dinner) will cost $250 / person.
*** Shooting day will have some extra expenses: gun rental is $35 / person, cost of ammo is appr. $15 / box (50 pcs.).
Late afternoon on the 7th February (Tuesday) travelling back to Sarasota Hotel (HQ) for the compilation of the other two of four days of Special IBSSA Training
8th – 9th February (Wednesday – Thursday)
Location will be at the HQ Hotel in Sarasota – indoor and outdoor / parking lot provided
Main Instructor of the Special IBSSA Training: Karl DelaGuerra, with two assistant / coinstructors for each days
For more details about the Special IBSSA Training please check the attached material at our website.* Individual sessions (morning and afternoon separately) cost $80 / person / session.
** All of the two days' sessions will cost only $60 / person / session if a participant decides to take all sessions during the 2 days. So that is totally: 4 x $60 = $240 / person / two days + $50 IBSSA Certificates.
During the Wednesday – Thursday seminars LUNCH will NOT be provided for the participants. Everyone will be responsible for his or her own lunch between the morning and afternoon sessions.
6th - 10th February (Monday - Friday)
Miami, Florida
Special and Basic Diving programs and trainings at the official diving Base of IBSSA, by Dr. Attila Kutas, Diving Instructor
For more details about the Special IBSSA Training please check the attached material at our website. attila@kutas.net or check the attached material at our website.
After the successful completion of each training PADI and IBSSA certificates will be given.
11th February (Saturday)
Ceremony of Investiture of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta and the Sovereign Order of Cyprus – Knights of Sword and Silence in Miami, Florida
Dear IBSSA Members, Conference delegates, and dear Friends,
we highly propose and encourage everyone to participate in the main programs dated between 3-4 February, and everyone can participate in the different trainings and side events (between 30 January – 2 February, and 6 – 10 February) on demand (which is optional), so your stay in the USA can be organised according to this.
For visa issues – and receiving the Letter of Invitation for the IBSSA Congress, please contact directly Mr. Karl DelaGuerra – Country Representative of IBSSA for the USA. E-mail: karldelaguerra@hotmail.com
Looking forward to meeting you all in Florida, USA!