Report on the IBSSA - ISF President’s visit in Japan April – May 2008

IBSSA – ISF President, Dr. Rony KLUGER visited Japan, Kyoto and Okinawa this springtime, the two very extreme edges of classical Budo.

    First he visited Kyoto, for the 125th Anniversary of the historical Dai Nippon Butokukai, extremely formal, deeply led by Japanese protocol. The event – as usual – was held in the oldest Japanese Dojo, the Butokuden the HQ of the Dai Nippon Butokukai, the place Miyagi, Funakoshi, Kano and Ueshiba demonstrated their art and have been officially accredited by the Dai Nippon Butokukai.
    Dr. Kluger and Sensei Smulik had the privilege to demonstrate and participate in the most spiritual and professional Budo demonstration of Japan. All very old Budoka gathered together for the World Butokusai and they showed their ability and knowledge. It was an excellent way to be able to watch first hand the oldest Budo traditions (different ryuha / schools) and its representatives demonstrating their art. The IBSSA – ISF President demonstrated in three occasions at the Karatedo section: Tensho, Suparinpai, Shishochin Bunkai and Shishochin Kata; and in the Kobudo section demonstrated Sai and finally at the closing ceremony did Kururunfa. What a great experience! They also had a great day of seminars, Dr. Kluger concentrated on Jo (short stick) and met a great lady, Shihan Teacher, a very famous and respected one in Japan.
Dr. Kluger and Sensei Smulik also visited the famous Shorenin Shrine of Kyoto, whose leader and head priest is Fugashimi Jikko, a close relative of Japan's emperor who is leading the Dai Nippon Butokukai on behalf of the emperor.

The Dai Nippon Butokukai surprised Dr. Kluger with a great honour on announcing and accrediting his lifetime endeavour in spreading and teaching classical Martial Arts worldwide within the frame of the International Budo Academy. The plaque and the certification were handed over by the head, Sosai of the Dai Nippon Butokukai, Prince Jikko Fugashimi.

After the weeklong event on Kyoto Dr. Kluger moved down to Okinawa their home base Dojo the Jundokan for a one-week training with the Jundokan family. Very hard and dedicated training section with Taira, Gima and Kinjo sensei and of course Kancho Miyazato observing and looking close by. They worked on a very different level of using Kata training to develop fighting skills, exploding focus, and a different way to train Kata for very Senior Yudansha. Everyone had differently some good and productive times.

More information:
International Budo Academy
Karate Do International Renmei

8th May 2008