Report about the joint work of Dutch and Hungarian security professionals of IBSSA

The international nature of IBSSA could not mirror the better, as the association’s Country Representative for the Netherlands, Mr. Ilias KONTIS – extending the Dutch team of security people – entrusted an 11-member group of Hungarian professionals, under the leadership of Mr. Zsolt PIPICZ – Master Teacher of IBSSA and International CPO, with the implementation of the task. 

During the joint work, between 11th - 12th July 2016, the international team had to secure a train of 16 wagons, departing from Szántód-Kőröshegy railway station, in order to have the nearly 950 Dutch, Belgian and German young people to get home safe from “Balaton Sound” festival. In a relatively short time – 3 days – teamed Hungarian group readily took hurdle, since it consisted of well-prepared experts, who considered the execution of the task as a professional practice.

During the 22-hour trip a number of situations arose, where the guys could exploit the knowledge acquired from the previous trainings. We would like to thank everyone – our Dutch and Hungarian specialists, the local police, Civil Guard and station colleagues performing a service, as well as all the helpers – the skilled, competent and professional job, and we express our thanks to PROVÉD Zrt. for the technical support!

15th July 2016 


The Hungarian team:

 The international staff: